Sunday Feb 06, 2011
Sunday Feb 06, 2011
“Hey kids, wait up!” Sometimes it seems as though this is what my school is saying to our students when it comes to technology. When I recently interviewed several of my students about their exposure to technology, I had a hard time believing that they actually spent as much time using technology as they were saying. Between texting, television, Facebook, and video games their entire days were taken up. As it turns out, they do have enough time; they have learned to multitask. According to a 2005 survey, the average 8 to 18 year old spent 6.5 hours a day using electronic media. Because they had learned to multitask though, they were able to receive 8.5 hours worth of exposure in that time (Are kids too plugged in, 2006). The problem is that, unless you include students who are texting during class, very little of this exposure to technology is happening at school.
My student interviews made one fact obvious: my students are what Marc Prensky describes as “digital natives”. They have been surrounded by and used technology their whole lives (Prensky, 2001). My students are already using, and are proficient, with multiple forms of technology, and the speed at which they can familiarize themselves with, and become proficient with, new technology is truly astounding, especially to a digital immigrant like myself. My concern is that education is supposed to be leading the way when it comes to helping our students understand and use new resources. Unfortunately we are playing catch-up. In terms of digital natives and digital immigrants, going to school is the equivalent to a visit to the old country for our students. To address this problem it will take more than just additional equipment and resources for schools, but also educators who are creative and ready to adapt to the new world.
Are kids too plugged in. (2006, March 20). CNN.com. Retrieved February 1, 2011, from
Prensky, M. (2001). Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants Part 2: DoThey Really Think Differently? On
theHorizon, 9(6), 1-6. Retrieved February 5, 2011, from ProQuest Central. (Document ID: 1074252431).